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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sing Me a Story

Today was the first performance of our fall music program "Sing Me a Story". It was a great show, and it was so much fun to see so many parents come to support us! Don't forget that we have two shows scheduled for tomorrow at 9:15 and 12:30. Please plan to attend one show if you couldn't make it today. Here is a photo of our class dressed in their pj's right before the performance. Not only do they look cute, but they also did an amazing job! I am so proud of them.

1 comment:

  1. The class did a beautiful job! I'm so proud of all of them! Mrs. McCallar - make sure to check under the facultydocs shared drive (JME Fall Music Program) for more pictures of the performance. There are some cute ones of your kids!
    Love, Mrs. Lemke
    (was my punctuation and grammar okay?)


Tell us what you think. Remember to always use a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence and punctuation at the end. (We are learning to do this in all of our classroom writing, too!)